Update From Administrator – July 21, 2020

Update From Administrator – July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020

Our team and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy!

Please remember that the outdoor visits must be pre-scheduled to ensure safe and healthy visits for you, the residents, and our staff.  It also allows our team to ensure your loved one is available and ready for your visit to make the most of your time together. These visits always require appropriate PPE (masks) to be worn and a social distance of 6 feet between you and your loved ones for the entirety of the visit. If these restrictions pose issues for you please keep in mind that we continue to offer other visitation alternatives like Facetime, Skype, and window visits. You can schedule a visit by calling 508-949-1334 or emailing us at socialwork@lanessaextcare.com (Detailed guidelines are below, as a reminder.)


We are happy to report that we are currently COVID free! As mentioned on our last Town Hall call, we conducted another round of resident testing this past 7/16/2020 and all test results returned negative. We will conduct another round this week, to include any new admissions during the last week, and are hopeful that we will remain free of the virus. Some of our families have inquired about increasing time outdoors so we are actively trying to get people out of their rooms while maintaining the appropriate safety measures. As we continue to maintain a COVID-free status, we will hopefully be able to reduce restrictions under the guidance of the CDC and MA Department of Public Health.


As a reminder, our next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 24 at 12:30PM. We encourage any residents and family members to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have about the care we are offering. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise.

As always, our team and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy. Another “thank you” for all the staff’s hard work, dedication, and compassion for all our residents here. We remain incredibly grateful for our entire dedicated team and ask you to join me in ensuring that they are included as “Health Care Heroes” battling COVID-19.


Guidelines set by Massachusetts DPH and our center

  • All visits must be scheduled in advance and will take place in a designated area.
  • The visitor must have their temperature taken and answer simple questions prior to the resident coming out for the visit.
  • The resident and their visitor(s) must always wear a facial mask.
  • Social distancing must be maintained throughout the entire visit. This means that the resident and their visitor(s) must always be at least six (6) feet apart.
  • Person to person contact between the resident and visitor(s) is prohibited.
  • No items may be transferred between visitor(s), residents and staff.
  • The visits will be for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes.
  • The maximum number of visitors allowed at one time is two (2).
  • Visits will only be scheduled before sundown.
  • A facility staff member will always be required to remain with the resident and visitor(s)


Scheduling a visit

  • Days for scheduling in-person visitation are only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays @ 10:30 AM or 2 PM daily currently.
  • All appointments must be scheduled with Roger or April, by calling 508-949-1334 or by emailing socialwork@lanessaextcare.com a minimum of 48 hours prior to visit.
  • Visitors must arrive at least 10 minutes prior to visitation for proper screening by center (at the main front entrance).  All Visitors must be wearing facemask or facemask will be given before screening.


We are still offering other options for visiting with your family member such as electronic devices and/or window visits that can also be scheduled with Roger by email or by phone.


Thank you and please stay safe and healthy

Team Lanessa

July 21, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring